Time Use Week

International Time Use Week

Time Use Week summons public institutions, organisations, civil society and research partners to move forward together towards better time use, to share initiatives and know-how across disciplines and action areas working on time use, and to shape the international policy and media agenda and discussion of time policies to ensure they are a priority on the global agenda.

  • Time Use Week 2023

    Entre els dia 16 i 20 d’octubre se celebrarà una nova edició de la Setmana internacional del Temps, la Time Use Week.

    Aquesta desena edició, que portarà el títol “Per un nou equilibri del temps”, buscarà situar la conversa sobre l’organització del temps a Catalunya en el context internacional.

    L’objectiu és fer valdre les experiències pioneres de treball en aquest àmbit per part de les institucions catalanes, les quals estan liderant diversos projectes per construir una societat amb una organització del temps més igualitària, saludable, eficient i sostenible. 

    Informació i programa

  • Time Use Week 2022

    This edition of the International Time Use Week will take place between October 24 and 28 in Barcelona and will be dedicated to: time and (in-)equalities.

    During the week, data will be shown on the inequalities in current uses of time, the effects they have on health, equality of people and the productivity and sustainability of countries and workplaces. Initiatives and policies to fight these inequalities and guarantee the right to time as citizens will also be analysed.

    This year's Time Use Week wants to be an even more inclusive event with the whole territory and, for this reason, it will hold both international events and decentralized events throughout the Catalan territory.

    Information and programme

  • Time Use Week 2021

    The 2nd Time Use Week was held in October 2021. This year it hosted exchange and discussion forums with key international players alongside sector roundtables featuring experienced local and international time policy actors.

    Information and programme

  • Time Use Week 2020
  • International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference

    The 43rd Annual Conference of the International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) took place in Barcelona from 27-29 October 2021 as one of the events scheduled for Time Use Week.

    The IATUR is an international association which promotes and facilitates the exchange of ideas, methodology and data collection techniques among researchers and compilers of official statistics about daily activity patterns and changes in people's behaviour over time.

    This year’s conference addressed joining up time use research with public policies, organisations and society. Time use research has the potential to inform numerous key time use policies such as education timetables and mobility. The conference furnished an opportunity to learn about the latest developments in time use research and share time policy initiatives and good practices in businesses, city councils, public institutions and organisations in Catalonia.

    The conference featured three plenary sessions and several parallel sessions presenting scientific papers on time use research. There were also visits to use cases at Catalan city councils, businesses and time banks. Finally, the conference hosted two receptions, one at the government of Catalonia headquarters and the other at Barcelona City Council, where the work done by the Timetable Reform Office and the Barcelona Time Pact were explored.

    The conference is jointly organised by the IATUR, the government of Catalonia, the Barcelona City Council, the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, the Barcelona Provincial Council and the Barcelona Time Use Initiative for Healthy Society. It seeks to provide input to the conversation about time policies and time use research while also showcasing Catalonia and Barcelona as leaders in their implementation.

    The 2021 IATUR conference invited abstracts for papers dealing with any aspect of time use research including:

    • Covid-19’s impact on time use.
    • The relationship between time use policies, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.
    • Time use policies at the local level.
    • Gender and intersectional inequalities in time use.
    • Working time use, including labour organisation, labour relations policies, the impact on health and safety at work, remote work and how to address the changes brought about by Industry 4.0 and digitalisation.
    • Time use in education. Children’s, teachers’ and families' perception of time.
    • Time use in public services.
    • Time use survey design and implementation.
    • Time use research methodology for mapping out and/or evaluating public policies.
    • Time use research methodologies.

    Register for the 43rd International Association for Time Use Research Conference